Leading wholesaler conglomerate - Network strategy and implementation

TMX assisted the client to define a network strategy and implementation plan, responsive to customers’ needs for service reliability and lead-times, accommodating required range and category growth at lowest total delivered cost.

Supply Chain
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Key challenges

The client had previously invested heavily in an automated solution that is not currently utilized across their entire network, where if expected growth is achieved, other facilities in the network will breach capacity. The key pressure points needed to be identified to understand the best way to optimize existing assets.

Our approach

A network strategy, including an implementation plan and business case was developed, accommodating future growth at lower costs through the better utilization of existing assets and more efficient operations​.

The below steps were taken in forming the strategy:

  • Conducted an end-to-end supply chain review across all business units​.
  • Developed a range and volume growth model for the future network​Assessed current facility capacity, constraints and efficiency and compared to future requirements​.
  • Used quantitative & qualitative measures to evaluate future network options​.
  • Developed a time phased implementation plan and business case to meet future requirements at lowest cost.
The results

An executable network strategy that accommodates future growth and lowers total supply chain cost by optimising existing asset use and more efficient operations.

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